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Aydan Huseynli "The Full Moon is in Your House"

Aydan Huseynli "The Full Moon is in Your House"

Regular price $0.01 USD
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15"h 20"w 5"d

Rolled Sheet Glass, LCD Screen, Antenna, NEC TV, Aluminum, Maple, Cast Glass, 2024.

The full moon is inside your house. My friends and I go running out into the street. “I'm in here”, comes a voice from the house, but we aren't listening. We're looking up at the sky. - Totally Conscious and Apropos of Nothing, Rumi, 17th Century The events of the day themselves, football matches, church services, atomic explosions, visit us at home; that the mountain comes to the prophet, the world to man. - Gunther Andrews, The World as Phantom and Matrix, 1956 Through its broadcast, the moon is everywhere all at once–both inside and outside, present and absent, tangible and intangible. This resonates with the moon’s role in Azerbaijan, as a divine guiding presence.


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Huseynli produces a broadcast of  the moon .  She carves out the screen, removing its digitality and adds back a mysticism. In Azerbaijan, where the artist's family is from, the moon is seen as a divine guiding presence. Huseynli uses light as allegory in her work to symbolize the guiding presence and moments of reflection.

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